Right to Repair is now law in five states. Floridians should have the same options to fix their stuff as elsewhere by passing Right to Repair legislation in 2025. Three bills have been filed so far this session. HB0235 for consumer electronics and S0412/H311 for powered wheelchairs,
Your personal message of support to your State Senators and Representative is powerful. Use your home address even if you are writing on behalf of a business or organization.
** This form does not work for addresses outside of Florida — and may not work for some rural addresses. If you cannot use this form, do not be deterred. Look up your local Florida representative the old-fashioned way, tell them you support Fair Repair, and tell them why. **
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Join the AssociationRight to Repair is simple. It requires manufacturers to provide owners and independent repair businesses with fair access to service information and affordable replacement parts. So you can fix the stuff you own quickly—and get back on with your life.
Well, manufacturers like John Deere and Apple don’t like the idea. When your tractor breaks or your cell phone stops working, they want to be the only people who can fix it. And they get to set whatever prices they want for parts and service.
Nope! We already have right to repair for cars—that’s why you can take your Ford into a local mechanic. They have all the same software diagnostics and service manuals that the dealerships have. This is the result of decades of auto Right to Repair legislation—laws that have been a resounding success.
It’s time to fight for your right to repair and defend local repair jobs—the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out. Write or call your legislator. Tell them you support the Fair Repair Act. Tell them that you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible. Stand up for your right to repair in Florida!